Monday, December 14, 2009
?God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea?. Though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof?. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge?. He maketh wars to cease? (Psalm 46:1-7, 9).
What a marvelous word. I?ve read this passage over and over, dozens of times, and I?m still overwhelmed by it. God?s Word to us here is so powerful, so immovable, he tells us, ?Never again do you need to fear. It doesn?t matter if the whole world is in turmoil. The earth may quake, the oceans may swell, the mountains may crumble into the sea. Things may be in complete chaos, a total uproar all around you.
?But because of my Word, you?ll have peace like a river. While all the nations rage, powerful steams of joy will flow to my people. It will fill their hearts with gladness.?
Right now, the whole world is in a fearful time. Nations are trembling over terrorism, knowing no region is immune to the threats. Personal troubles and sufferings are mounting. Yet, in the midst of it all, Psalm 46 echoes to God?s people the world over: ?I am in your midst. I am with you through it all. My people will not be destroyed or moved. I?m going to be an ever-present help to my church.?
God knows we all face deep needs; we all encounter turmoil, temptations, times of confusion that cause our souls to quake. His message for us in Psalm 46 is meant for just such times. He is saying that if we give in to fear, becoming downcast and full of despair, we?re living absolutely contrary to his reality in our lives.
It?s vital that you grasp what the Lord is telling us in this Psalm. Our God is available to us at any time, day or night. He?s continually at our right hand, willing to speak to us and to guide us. And he?s made this possible by giving us his Holy Spirit to abide in us. The Bible tells us that Christ himself is in us, and we are in him.
Daily Devotions by David Wilkerson
Friday, September 25, 2009
My Favorite Days
by Lisa Cohee
My favorite days begin as suchwith a bit of sunshine and lives to touch My favorite days consist of thisa sweet elderly lady who asks for a kiss A woman who has been through so much painwho simply needs me to fetch her cane An elderly man, so quiet and lonelyasking “Won’t you come sit and talk to me?” A woman who speaks only once in a whilebut with a glance she’ll say plenty to make me smile A woman who seeks such independenceshe says “I’ll do it myself”but when I stop byshe calls me her “Angel”and I could just cry A man down the hall, with a grin on his facehe pokes fun and laughs muchwhen my presence I do grace A woman who has suffered a strokebut her spirit and spunk has never been brokeasks how my day is and more often than notwill offer a hug or a sweet little poke The many men and women who live where I workall of them special, with or without quirksthey make me smile in one way or anotherthey keep me going and make me strongersome are gone now and some will stayI love them all and often I praythat I can find time in my busy dayto help them allin even the smallest way...this is all part of My Favorite Days
Friday, September 18, 2009
This man was kind of far out, but he believed that God could do anything. So he went out and marched around his orange trees and said, "God, I'm asking You to protect my crops and keep them from freezing." When his friends heard about it, they thought he was so strange and that was so odd.
When the big freeze came in the next morning, it lasted a little over twenty-four hours. His friends, who were also farmers, were so discouraged trying to figure out how they were going to survive knowing that the crops where going to be destroyed. This other man, he just kept thanking God that He was protecting his crops. Several days later, it was the most unusual sight. His property with hundreds and hundreds of acres had the most beautiful, healthy orange trees. But the trees on the properties around him, on all four sides, were just as dead as could be. It looked like somebody had put a big blanket over his property. Those other farmers were amazed. Instead of making fun of him, they said, "Next time do us a favor. Pray over our crops as well."
What happened? He was connected to the vine and not the report. He understood that God is well able to take care of us. He understood that God can prosper us even in the desert if we'll just be bold enough to believe despite of what the report says.
When we abide in Christ, agreeing with what He says we are, it doesn't matter what things look like in the natural. When we believe and agree and put God first, we will bear much fruit.
Scripture says if we will keep God first, we'll be like a tree planted by streams of water, whose leaf will not wither (Psalm 1:3). That means, financial difficulties may come, but we don't have to get all down and go into that survival mode hoping to just make it. When times get tough, don't hunker down and think, "Oh, it's so bad. If I can just hold on and make it through another year." No, dig your heels in and say, "I'm not going to just survive. I'm going to thrive. I'm going to prosper in spite of this difficulty."
We can stay in faith knowing that we are connected to the vine, and believe that God will supernaturally protect us, and that we'll see His unprecedented favor.
You see, it's not that impressive for us to be blessed and promoted when the economy is strong, business is great and everybody around us is being blessed. People can say that's just the benefit of good times or that's just the benefit of a strong economy. They can make excuses for it. But when times are tough and every other news report talks about how bad it is and how we're not supposed to make it; and yet, God shows up and does something unusual and extraordinary, that's a greater testimony to the faithfulness of our God. When God prospers you in the desert, and people see you increasing even though they're stuck, that's when they'll know it makes a difference to serve the Most High God.
The scripture says in Jeremiah that if we'll keep the Lord our trust and confidence, He will prosper us even in the desert. He'll prosper us even in difficult times. That means when others are going under, God says you'll go over. When other people are losing clients and business is slow, God is bringing you new clients. When companies are laying people off, God is opening up supernatural doors for you.
Maybe you're trying to sell your house and no other houses in the neighborhood are really selling. Why don't you be bold like this man and believe for favor? Why don't you be bold and march around your property and say, "God, I know I'm not supposed to survive. I'm supposed to thrive. So I'm asking that Your favor would cause my house to stand out." Maybe business is slow. Other people in your same field are really struggling. Well, you've got to start thanking God that He's bringing you new clients, that He's giving you new ideas, that He's opening up supernatural doors.
That's what it means to have a thriving mentality, knowing that you're connected to the vine. Deep down, we know even when we're in the desert; even when things are slow financially; even when we get a negative report, God is still on the throne. Our job is not our source. The economy is not our source. We know God is our source. And in one sense, it doesn't really matter what the stock market does or doesn't do. It doesn't matter how high the price of gas goes. God always has the final say. If gas goes to ten dollars a gallon that just means God is going to bless us in a greater way. David said in Psalm 37:25, "I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor His seed begging for bread."
You may ask, "What about the economy?" Well, let me ask you, "What about our God?" He's still on the throne. The good news is there is not a recession in heaven. God has not had to cut back because of high gas prices. He's not having a shortage of food and supplies. I'm happy to report that all is well. At times, it may be difficult, and you might wonder how it's all going to work out. But just remember this: as God took the five loaves and the two fish and multiplied it to feed thousands of people, God can multiply what you have. He can multiply your time and help you to get more done. He can multiply your wisdom and help you to make better decisions. God can multiply your finances and cause them to go further. This may sound kind of far out, but God can cause your car to get better gas mileage. He can cause you to stay out of those traffic jams. God can help you find the best deals at the stores, find things that are on sale that are usually never on sale. God is in complete control.
Here's the key: as long as our source is okay, we're going to be okay. If we'll just stay connected to the vine, keeping God first, believing and expecting for His favor; then as His branches, we're not going to just survive. We're going to thrive.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Alzheimer's Disease
September 07, 2009
Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life. --Psalm 119:49-50
As people live longer, there may be a progression in chronic illnesses among senior citizens. While great advancements are being made in curing cancer and heart disease, there is a condition that can be devastating to the one it affects, and his or her family and friends--Alzheimer's Disease.
The progressive nature of Alzheimer's is well known to most. A person, usually older, starts to forget the details in life. And these memory mishaps become more frequent until they reach a severe level of disability and begin to interfere with daily activities. Soon, the diseased individual fails to recognize familiar faces and places, and they lose the ability to care for themselves altogether.
God knows and has planned every day of the person who carries this horrible disease, so their gradual downward spiral is no surprise to Him. While this change is hard on family and friends, and even harder to understand, God brings comfort to those who experience Alzheimer's. And while Alzheimer's destroys the mind, God continually gives strength and hope in the spirit.
Professional support groups exist across the nation for families and patients dealing with this disease. There are many helpful and effective ways to cope with Alzheimer's for both parties today. It's important for you and your loved one to continue on in an active circle of care. We are to continually have the mind of Christ Jesus...not our own, but His. So, put the health, mind, and spirit of the one you love whom Alzheimer's affects in the hands of the Great Physician.
PRAYER CHALLENGE: Thank God for the grace and mercy He shows us each day regardless of the pain and suffering from this world. Ask for God's protection and watch care over those you may know who are struggling with Alzheimer's Disease or any other disease.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
God is in Control
A few weeks before Sept. 11th, my wife and I found out we Were going to have our first child. She planned a trip out To California to visit her sister. On our way to the Airport, we prayed that God would grant my wife a safe trip And be with her. Shortly after I said 'amen,' we both Heard a loud pop and the car shook violently. We had blown Out a tire. I replaced the tire as quickly as I could, but We still missed her flight. Both very upset, we drove home. I received a call from my father who was retired NYFD. He Asked what my wife's flight number was, but I explained That we missed the flight. My father informed me that her flight was the one that Crashed into the southern tower. I was too shocked to Speak.. My father also had more news for me; he was going to Help.. 'This is not something I can't just sit by For; I have to do something.' I was concerned for his safety, of course, but more because He had never given his life to Christ. After a brief debate, I knew his mind was made up. Before he got off of the Phone, he said, 'take good care of my Grandchild. Those were the last words I ever heard my Father say; he died while helping in the rescue effort. My joy that my prayer of safety for my wife had been Answered quickly became anger. I was angry at God, at my Father, and at myself. I had gone for nearly two yearsBlaming God for taking my father away. My son would never Know his grandfather, my father had never accepted Christ, And I never got to say good-bye.
Then something happened. About two months ago, I was Sitting at home with my wife and my son, when there was a Knock on the door. I looked at my wife, but I could tell She wasn't expecting anyone. I opened the door to a Couple with a small child. The man looked at me and asked if my father's name was Jake Matthews. I told him it was. He quickly grabbed my hand And said, 'I never got the chance to meet your father, But it is an honor to meet his son.' He explained to me that his wife had worked in the World Trade Center and had been caught inside after the attack. She was pregnant and had been caught under debris. He then Explained that my father had been the one to find his wife And free her. My eyes welled up with tears as I thought Of my father giving his life for people like this.
He then Said, 'there is something else you need to know.' His wife then told me that as my father worked to free her, She talked to him and led him to Christ. I began sobbing at The news. Now I know that when I get to Heaven, my father will be Standing beside Jesus to welcome me, and that this family Would be able to thank him themselves . When their baby boy was born, they named him Jacob Matthew, In honor of the man who gave his life so that a mother and Baby could live.
This story should help us to realize this: God is always in Control. We may not see the reason behind things, and we may never Know this side of heaven, but God is ALWAYS in control. Please take time to share this amazing story. You may Never know the impact it may have on someone. God Doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I am brought back to a memory so very long ago.You loved me and I loved you; that’s all we needed to know! We were ready for our new lifeCould storm through any kind of weather.As long as we had each other,We would always stay together! “For better or worse,” “In sickness and in health”Were promises we thought we’d understand.But life threw a curve ball and showed usThat nothing ever goes as planned. One day, something happened which caused us much grief.Life interrupted, stole your health like a thief! On came your diseaseWhich I could not understand.I was frightened quite oftenBut I entrusted you in God’s hand. I don’t want to treat you with pity.Acting as if you were my child.I just don’t know where to draw the line.This disease is so dang wild! Not to sound selfish, but I’m a person too!Very few know all that caregivers must do!People can’t see our pain because we hide it well.If they’d stop and ask us questions,Oh! The stories we could tell! I know you can’t understand what’s going on,This disease is a killer, no doubt!But we’re all strong together,And that’s what love is about! So please don’t forget about me, the frightened caregiver at best.We’ll keep our faith in each other, and in God, we’ll safely rest. I don’t care what you can or cannot do.The purpose of this poem is to say that I love you! Those vows were not for nothing.I meant each word I said.No matter what might happen,We will still be lovingly wed. This disease doesn’t make you any less of a person.Just changes the style of your life.Remember that you’ll always be my husband,And I’ll always be your wife!
By Heather J. Davis
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Poem for the Caregiver
The Wooden Bowl
The affects of aging may be inevitable, but these do not lessen a person’s value. In contemporary Western culture, the young are considered more valuable than the elderly. This is not the case in every society, nor has it always been this way in our culture. The following bible verse appears to be more consistent with many Middle Eastern cultures and African-American cultures where older adults are more highly revered and valued. Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord. – Leviticus 19:32
Most of us have been told to respect our elders ever since we were children. What does it mean to respect our elders? It may be easier to understand the meaning and application of the word respect by first looking at the word disrespect. Disrespect includes things such as ignoring someone’s thoughts or feelings, being condescending, being neglectful, forcing your opinion, or being rude or selfish. Now consider the opposites. There is a strong connection between the words honor, obey and respect. As you provide care for your aging parents remember the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. –Luke 6:31. Isn’t that really what it is all about? The Wooden Bowl story clearly makes the point.
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law and 4-year-old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table, but the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off the spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. "We must do something with grandpa," said the son. "I have had enough of spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor." So the husband and the wife set a small table in the corner.
There grandpa ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed their dinner. Since Grandpa had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl. When the family glanced in Grandpa's direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped his fork or spilled food. The 4-year-old watched it all in silence.
One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, "What are you making?" Just as sweetly the boy responded, "Oh, I am making a little wooden bowl for you to eat your food when you grow old." The 4-year-old smiled and went on with his work.
The words so struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. Though no words were spoken, both knew what must be done. That evening the husband took the grandfather's hand and gently led him to the family table. For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family. For some reason, neither the husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled. – Author Unknown
Devotion on Faithfulness
If you live in the prosperity of TOMORROW today,
You may live in poverty tomorrow.
Wednesday 9/2/2009
He who cultivates his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless people and pursuits will have poverty enough. A faithful man shall abound with blessings, but he who makes haste to be rich [at any cost] shall not go unpunished. —Proverbs 28:19, 20 YOU AND I live in a time when credit cards and home-equity loans and second mortgages make living beyond our means all too easy. It may even be that you have reason to think your business is about to turn the corner or that the promotion is on the way. Living on that speculative prosperity today is a dangerous game to play. And living on the empty promises of fast, easy money is a certain ticket to poverty. God's principle for prosperity is that you work hard in obedience to His will for your life. Land, for instance, will yield only in proportion to the labor of the farmer. The more faithful the labor, the greater the blessing—God's promise is abundance. But if you are caught up in finding an easy way to get what you desire you'll be distracted from being faithful to God's will for your life today. Return to faithfulness now, before judgment comes.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Prayer & Scripture for Today
When I Need to Be Free of Guilt and Condemnation
Lord, even though I try to do the right thing, I often fail to do so. Help me to overcome my sinful nature by the power of Your Spirit and the truth of Your Word. Help me to not wallow in self-pity, mourning my own failures and inadequacy. Help me to not say or do something that is totally selfish because I want to satisfy my own desires. Help me to have a clean conscience toward You and others at all times.
This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men.
Acts 24:16
He Increases Your Strength
In the Bible, Joseph went through seasons of difficulty. He was rejected by his family, sold into slavery, lied about, mistreated, abandoned, falsely accused, and thrown in jail. But through it all, Joseph never gave up. He kept pressing through and doing the right thing even though the wrong thing kept happening. The Bible says in Psalm 105 verse 18, as Joseph laid in prison in those chains of iron, his soul entered into that iron. In other words, as Joseph just kept on fighting life through, his soul became as strong as that steel. God developed a supernatural strength in him that no one could take away.
If you are going through difficulty today, God wants to increase your strength. He wants to increase your power to overcome. He wants to make your inner man as strong as steel. When you keep standing, keep believing, keep doing the right thing, you are opening yourself to God´s supernatural strength. That´s when you know you are growing in Him. Be strong today. Keep pressing forward because God is at work increasing strength in you so that you can live in victory in every area of your life!
Prayer for Today:
Father in heaven, today I surrender every difficulty to You. I release the questions, hurts, and frustrations. I choose to trust You and do the right thing. Increase Your strength in me so that I can live in the victory You have in store for me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hope Restored Along The Way
What would it take to restore your hope?What would you need to re energize your journey?
Though the answers are abundant, three come quickly to mind.
The first would be a person. Not just any person. You don’t need someone equally confused. You need someone who knows the way out.
And from him you need some vision. You need someone to lift your spirits. You need someone to look you in the face and say, “This isn’t the end. Don’t give up. There is a better place than this. And I’ll lead you there.”
And, perhaps most important, you need direction. If you have only a person but no renewed vision, all you have is company. If he has a vision but no direction, you have a dreamer for company. But if you have a person with direction—who can take you from this place to the right place—ah, then you have one who can restore your hope.
Or, to use David’s words, “He restores my soul.” Our Shepherd majors in restoring hope to the soul. Whether you are a lamb lost on a craggy ledge or a city slicker alone in a deep jungle, everything changes when your rescuer appears.
Your loneliness diminishes, because you have fellowship.
Your despair decreases, because you have vision.
Your confusion begins to lift, because you have direction.
Please note: You haven’t left the jungle. The trees still eclipse the sky, and the thorns still cut the skin. Animals lurk and rodents scurry. The jungle is still a jungle. It hasn’t changed, but you have. You have changed because you have hope. And you have hope because you have met someone who can lead you out.
Your Shepherd knows that you were not made for this place. He knows you are not equipped for this place. So he has come to guide you out.
By Max Lucado
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Faithful Witness
Years ago, an article was published that cited a number of men whose faithful witness through books and pamphlets had brought many people to the Lord. The influence of each author led to the changed life of another.
Richard Gibbs, an elderly Puritan doctor, wrote The Bruised Reed. A copy came into the hands of Richard Baxter and resulted in his conversion. Baxter later authored a volume titled Saints' Rest and Call to the Unconverted. By it many sinners were led to Jesus, including Philip Doddridge.
Doddridge became a famous preacher, hymn writer, and the president of a theological seminary. Doddridge wrote the well-circulated book, The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, which proved a rich blessing for countless people.
William Wilberforce read it, was convicted of sin, and became a Christian statesman. After being instrumental in freeing slaves, he penned Practical View of Christianity. This changed the life of Leigh Richmond.
Richmond became a world-famous writer of tracts that influenced thousands to seek the Lord. Yes, the "fruit of the righteous" is a "family tree" of converts who keep branching out to others. You also have probably greatly influenced the life of someone at one time or another. But don't stop now!
There are young men and women who still need the mentoring and wisdom of someone who has lived a great life of faith. Through your witness, you could be helping to nurture the next Annie Armstrong, Charles Spurgeon, or Billy Graham. If you are a follower of Jesus and have an intimate relationship with Him, then you have wisdom to share that could change someone's life.
PRAYER CHALLENGE: Ask God to make you an incredible influence in the life of someone else for His glory!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Jesus Touched the Untouchables
I wonder… about the man who felt Jesus’ compassionate touch. He makes one appearance, has one request, and receives one touch. But that one touch changed his life forever….
I wonder about this man because in New Testament times leprosy was the most dreaded disease. The condition rendered the body a mass of ulcers and decay. Fingers would curl and gnarl. Blotches of skin would discolor and stink. Certain types of leprosy would numb nerve endings, leading to a loss of fingers, toes, even a whole foot or hand. Leprosy was death by inches.
The social consequences were as severe as the physical. Considered contagious, the leper was quarantined, banished to a leper colony.
In Scripture the leper is symbolic of the ultimate outcast: infected by a condition he did not seek, rejected by those he knew, avoided by people he did not know, condemned to a future he could not bear…
The touch did not heal the disease, you know. Matthew is careful to mention that it was the pronouncement and not the touch of Christ that cured the condition. “Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man and said, ‘I will. Be healed!’ And immediately the man was healed from his disease” (Matt. 8:3).The infection was banished by a word from Jesus.
The loneliness, however, was treated by a touch from Jesus.
Jesus touched the untouchables of the world.
By Max Lucado
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Delight in Him
Delight in Him
Today’s Verse:
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart” (Psalm 37:4, AMP).
Today’s Word:
Do you know what it means to delight yourself in the Lord? One of the definitions of this word in the original Hebrew means: to be soft or pliable. In other words, when we allow God to shape and mold our character, we are delighting ourselves in Him.
The scripture tells us that God is the potter and we are His clay. The potter can’t work with hard, dry clay; He has to use soft, moldable clay. We are the ones who decide if we will allow God to work with us or not. We decide if we are going to be soft and pliable or if we are going to allow the world to make us hard and dry. How do we stay soft and moldable? By simply immersing ourselves in the water of God’s Word. Friend, when you and I make God’s Word a priority in our lives, we are setting ourselves up to be used by God. We are delighting in Him. We are yielding to Him, and we are opening the door for Him to give us the desires and secret petitions of our hearts!
Prayer for Today:
Father in heaven, today I come to You giving You all that I am. I am committed to Your Word and I invite You to work in my life. Make me more like You and may everything I do be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My Friends
May God Bless You Always
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days.Daniel 10:12-13
Prayer is a mysterious force, and the spiritual realm is a battle zone. Daniel prayed earnestly for three weeks, and his requests were granted early in the process. But his answer was somehow held up by demonic opposition in the heavens, and it took the archangel Michael to break through the resistance and secure the blessing.
The Bible warns, "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).
We'd probably be surprised to know how much spiritual warfare surrounds the transmissions of our prayers and their answers from heaven. When we pray earnestly and nothing seems to happen, we must remember that delay is not denial. We're to keep on asking, to keep on seeking, to keep on knocking. We're to address our prayers to God the Father, praying in the Spirit and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We can pray through to victory.
The story of every great Christian achievement is the history of answered prayer.E. M. Bounds
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Healing At The Cross
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cry of Victory
“It is finished.”
What was finished?
A cry of defeat? Hardly. Had his hands not been fastened down I dare say that a triumphant fist would have punched the dark sky. No, this is no cry of despair. It is a cry of completion. A cry of victory. A cry of fulfillment. Yes, even a cry of relief.
It’s over.
An angel sighs. A star wipes away a tear.
“Take me home.”Yes, take him home.Take this prince to his king.Take this son to his father.Take this pilgrim to his home.(He deserves a rest.)
“Take me home.”Come ten thousand angels! Come and take this wounded troubadour toThe cradle of his Father’s arms!
Farewell manger’s infant.Bless You holy ambassador.Go Home death slayer.Rest well sweet soldier.
The battle is over.
It is Finished by the Gaither Vocal Band
The Lion of Judah
"See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. . .
Has triumphed."
Revelation 5:5
My child, I am not king of the jungle. I am King of your heart--and the hearts of all My children. With the lion as My symbol, I am strength, and I am victor over anything that would threaten My world or My children. And because you are My child, you share in that victory and will one day enjoy the victor's reward. But even now, you can celebrate Me and the victory that is ours.
Your name and character carry the strength of a lion, yet You are as gentle as a lamb. One day Your strength will be seen by all. I will join the great hallelujah chorus singing praises to You, my Lion of Judah. You are King of all.
Three reasons not to worry: (1) God is in control; (2) God is in control; (3) God is in control..
Monday, March 9, 2009
Jesus is The Anchor
In our heart we need to feel secureJesus is the anchor we can be sureProtecting us from the raging storms of lifeHe shields us from the sea of strife.
When we become disillusionedAnd we feel all hope is goneRemember this one thingJesus is the anchor and we are not alone.
Always keep your faith a shining lightJesus is the anchor on the darkest nightHis love for us will never endJesus is the anchor of life we can depend.
© 12/31/06 Glenna M. BaughLiving by Faith
"When Jesus is the anchor of your lifeYour days are happy and free of strife"~Quote by Glenna~
"I love those who love me; and those who diligently seek me will find me."Proverbs 8:17
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Catch a Glimpse of God
© 2005 by Jim Lake
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Love So Amazing
Love So Amazing
“Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39, AMP).
Isn’t it wonderful to know that nothing can separate us from the Love of God? His love is truly amazing. It goes beyond any human love we could ever know. There’s nothing we can do to make Him love us more, and there is nothing we can do to make Him love us any less. His love is everlasting. Oftentimes, when people make mistakes or feel that they have disappointed God, they think they have to stay away from Him until they “get their act together” so to speak. But nothing could be further from the truth! He’s always there with open arms, ready to receive you and make you new. Remember, God’s not mad at you; He’s madly in love with you! You are on His mind day and night. His thoughts are precious towards you.If there is anything in your life that is keeping you from receiving His amazing love, choose to set those things aside today. Let His love restore you and make you new. Simply come to Him with an open heart and receive everything He has in store for you.
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for loving me with an everlasting love. Thank You for receiving me and making me new by the precious blood of Jesus. I love You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Joel and Victoria Osteen
By Your Side
He will always be Loving you and guiding you… Always teaching youHe has and always will be there Today and throughout… all of your tomorrows Looking upon all your joys… And sometimes-tearful sorrows You cannot and will not…walk this life alone Just knowing… He is by your side Fills our souls with a peacefulness As we praise Him… upon blended knees For all the love… and forgiveness… He has shown to you and me Today, and throughout.. All of your tomorrows You will be… Walking with our Lord For blessing you and showing you… The most amazing love… Your heart will ever know
Monday, March 2, 2009
He Knoweth Best
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."1 Peter 1:3
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Life in the Word
Monday, February 16, 2009
Stir Up Your Dreams
"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you…" (2 Timothy 1:6, NKJ).
Do you need some freshness in your life today? It's probably time to stir up what God has placed on the inside of you. It's time to stir up those gifts, stir up those dreams, stir up those talents inside. Start stretching yourself. You are meant to dream and to pursue the desires God has placed in your heart.
The Scripture tells us that without vision, people perish. If you don't have a dream, you're not really living the way God intends. You're merely existing. Maybe at one time you had a dream, but you went through some disappointments or setbacks. Things didn't turn out the way you planned. But here’s a key: when one dream dies, dream another dream.
Just because it didn't work out the way you had it planned doesn't mean that God doesn't have another plan. You cannot allow one disappointment or even a series of disappointments to convince you that your dream is over. It's time to dig your heals in and hold on to the promises in your heart. As you stir up those God-given dreams and desires, He'll pour out His favor and blessings and fulfill every desire in your heart!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, I come humbly to You. I give You my past, my disappointments, my brokenness. Fill me with Your hope and expectation and give me the dreams and desires that You have in store for my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day
February 14
BIBLE MEDITATION:“The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3
DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT:Valentine’s Day is a day for lovers. Did you know that Jesus is the lover of your soul? He is. You, as part of the church, are His bride…His chosen one. Our Lord loves us with an infinite love, an everlasting love, and an indescribable love. Are you without a valentine today? Take heart…His heart. He has set His affection on you. Jesus has purchased you, not with silver or gold as a bridegroom would have in Jesus’ day, but our Lord has purchased you with the silver of His tears and with the gold of His blood. You are loved!
ACTION POINT:Every time you get a Valentine or see an advertisement for Valentine’s Day or hear someone say, “Happy Valentine’s Day,” remember that Jesus is the Lover of your Soul
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Forgiveness of the King
BIBLE MEDITATION:“Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.” Romans 4:7
DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT:There was a king who asked slaves on a ship, “Why are you in chains?” One replied, “I don’t know. I was in a crowd when a crime was committed. I am innocent.” He asked another who said, “I am not guilty, but am a victim of false witnesses.” The king proceeded to ask each man the same question and each had a reason why he was innocent. That is, until one man responded, “I am here because I deserve to be here. I have sinned against my God and against my king. And now I am paying the penalty.” The king stepped back and said, “What are you doing here among so many honest men? Guards release him!”
ACTION POINT:Not until we admit our sin are we going to know the mercy and the forgiveness of the King. Bow before Him today and admit you are lost without Him.
Unexpected Treasure
"Where is that goat?" the young Bedouin shepherd muttered under his breath in frustration. He clambered over the rocks as he moved up the cliff on his search. It was hot, and he was impatient. Rather than going into the darkness of the cave near him to look, the shepherd tossed a rock into the opening and listened for a protesting "Bahhhh!" Instead, he heard the breaking of a pot. Suddenly the goat was forgotten, and the shepherd's curiosity prevailed. He entered the cave to find one of the greatest archeological and religious treasures ever discovered--the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Visiting an exhibition of the Dead Sea Scrolls recently captured my imagination, and my mind pictured the story above. The tale continues that this nomadic shepherd took the scraps of paper rolled in a cloth and stored in the pot to a merchant in Bethlehem. From there, the treasure passed from hand to hand until they came to rest in a special museum at Hebrew University named the Shrine of the Book. The fact that these ancient documents of God's own Word lay moldering, unfound in a cave for over a thousand years before being found in the search for a wandering goat seized my heart and mind.
Paul tells us that each believer is a jar of clay that contains treasure. When we look through scripture, we can see that we contain peace (Philippians 4:7), the forgiveness of sins, redemption, the riches of God's grace (Ephesians 1:7), joy (John 15:11) and the resurrection power of Christ (Philippians 3:10).
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls provides a powerful and biblical picture of how a broken vessel can release the power of God into our lives and those around us. Brokenness, although painful, is one of God's means of showing His all-surpassing power in our lives. Even when the cause of our brokenness is the result of living in a fallen and sin-filled world, God is able to show Himself as the Redeemer by pouring out His treasures through us.
Are you a broken or crushed pot today? Are you suffering because of the loss of a job or the current financial crisis? Are your emotions broken and bruised because of the rejection of a friend or husband? Are you experiencing crushing loneliness because of the loss of someone dearly loved? Is your heart torn and bleeding for a wayward child? If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, He says even in catastrophic times He is not only with you but longing to pour out through you. God's Word that you have been storing away in the quiet times with Him can be revealed through your brokenness. He sees your pain, and His heart breaks with your every hurt. You are dearly loved. Hold on to His promise that your brokenness is not wasted but releases His Spirit to do works of perseverance, power, character and hope.
At times, I've been a very intact pot, moldering and hidden in a cave while the world around me sinks into the abyss of the absence of His Word. I pray with my broken sisters today that God would use the broken places in each of us for His great glory and our ultimate good. I pray even as He walks with us through the broken places of our lives that His Word would be exposed and powerful in a lost and dying world.
Dear Lord, I come to you in brokenness today. I give myself over to you even in my weakness and frailness. No matter if I've been broken by sin or circumstances, I ask you to fill my broken pot and pour out through me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Application Steps:
Read the power verses below.
Memorize one of them and quote it often as you struggle in a difficult time.
How can I come to know God's Word better so that it can flow out in times of brokenness?
Power Verses:
Phillipians 3:10-11, "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead." (NIV)
James 1:2-3, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trails of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." (NIV)
Romans 5:3-5, "Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." (NIV)
© 2009 by Amy Carroll. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
Monday, February 2, 2009
He's Always There
It matters not what path we take,The high road or the low,Our heavenly Father is always thereWherever we may go.Whatever turn we make in life -To the left or to the right,However far we venture out,We’re still within His sight.If we ascend into the heavens,There our Lord will be.If we make our bed in hell,His grieving Heart shall see.His eye is on the sparrow,He takes note if it should fall;And how much more He cares for usWho respond to His gentle call.Under His Wings we’re sheltered,While held within His Hand;His grace and power enabling usTemptation to withstand.A friend closer than a brother,Our burdens all to bear -Such a tender, loving Shepherd,Yes, "He’s Always There".
"Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? OrWhither shall I flee from thy presence?"(Ps. 139:7)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Run Another Load
By Gina Parcells,
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 (NASB)
Laundry ... I'm running another load right now. It seems like once I have washed, dried, folded, and put away the clothes, I discover someone has slipped yet another dirty item into the hamper. The thing about laundry is, its just never-ending.
I've considered taking a sabbatical from the never-ending task, but I'm certain it would accumulate into a heap causing a pervasive stench in my house. Then, I'd hear grumbling from the masses about how they have nothing to wear and, of course, I would cave. My sabbatical would ultimately lead to my own panic as I surveyed the overflowing hampers.
So, no laundry sabbatical for me. Instead, I accept the need to wash clothes regularly. And I do it. It's better for everyone that way.
You know, God has that constant laundering thing going on too, except He's cleansing our hearts instead of our clothes. I'm sure He would rather we not dirty our hearts with sin, but He knows we do and He is always willing, day or night, to cleanse us.
The problem is sometimes I'm unwilling to put my stinky garments in His hamper to be washed. I have favorite sins, like favorite shirts, that I'm resistant to take off. Sometimes, I just wear my sin day in and day out, and the idea of confessing it and asking for grace doesn't even cross my mind. It's like He has a pile of clean clothes ready to go, but I walk right past them.
Fortunately for us, God never takes a cleaning sabbatical, and He doesn't get overwhelmed when our sin hampers seem filled to capacity. In fact, you can dump ten loads of sin in front of Him and He'll wash them all. He's a pro with the delicate cycle. If we can mess it up, He can clean it up ... We just have to ask. As our key verse states, if we confess, He will faithfully forgive.
Dear Lord, I confess to You _________. Thank You for Your faithfulness to cleanse me now, and every single time I come to You. Please help me to recognize my sin and to remember to seek Your forgiveness daily. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Application Steps:
Read Psalm 32 as if you wrote it to God.
Spend time asking the Lord to search your heart and reveal if there is any offensive way in your heart (Psalm 139:23-24). Use these times of listening and confession as a regular part of your prayer time each morning.
What keeps me from regularly confessing my sin?
What can I use as a trigger to remind me to spend time confessing my sin everyday?
Power Verses:
Psalm 51:2-4, "Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight." (NIV)
Psalm 51:10, 12, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." (NIV)
Proverbs 31 Ministries
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Confiedence in the Lord
Complete Confidence in the Lord
January 24
BIBLE MEDITATION:“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT:There must be complete confidence in the Lord to take care of us because this complete confidence will lead to constant compliance. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us we are to trust with all our heart (not just part of it), and we’re to acknowledge Him in all our ways (not just some of our ways). God won’t take part of it. You can’t say, “Lord, I want Your will in my social life, but I don’t want Your will in my business life.” Or, “I want Your will in my church life, but I don’t want Your will in my relationships.” You just can’t do that. If He’s worth part of it He’s worth all of it.
ACTION POINT:What are you holding onto today? Give it all to Jesus. Instant obedience will bring incredible blessing.
Ultimate Act of Forgiveness
Ultimate Act of Forgiveness
January 25
BIBLE MEDITATION:“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.”
DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT:Suppose someone were to punch you in the nose? And suppose in an act of compassion you were to say to that person who punched you, “I forgive you.” And suppose they responded, “There’s no need for you to forgive me. I’ve already forgiven myself.” You’d feel a little cheated. Only the one who was punched can forgive the hitter. Sin is a clenched fist in the face of God, and only God can forgive sin. There’s enough Gospel dynamite in 1 Peter 3:18 to blow the sin, the hatred, the sorrow, and the sickness out of anybody’s life, but that dynamite must be ignited by the spark of faith.
ACTION POINT:Is there someone in your life you need to forgive? Maybe someone from whom you need to ask forgiveness? Go do it now. Tomorrow may never come.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Jesus I Trust You
Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Mathew 6:34
Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Can we imagine just for a moment that we have a small door key in our hand. I believe that faith is the key in our walk with God. When we have our house key with us and the door is locked, we are not worrying about how we will get into the house. The same is true with a car door as long as we have the key to unlock the door, there are no worries. Faith is just a decision that we make to trust God and not worry. It's a small thing in our hands, but when we hold the key of faith, God can open many doors. We just keep earnestly seeking him and trust without worry that he is working all things for the good. Sometimes I just say out loud, “Jesus I trust you.”
Thank You for the gift of my life
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Heart Attitudes
Heart Attitudes
January 4
Amaziah was twenty-five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem . . . He did right in the Lord's sight, but not with a perfect or blameless heart. —2 Chronicles 25:1,2When God asks for our heart, He is asking for our entire life, which includes our personality, character, body, mind, emotions. The heart is the real person, not the person everybody sees. The church and the world are looking for someone who is real. In 2 Chronicles 25:1,2 we read about a king who had a negative condition of the heart. In this passage King Amaziah did all the right things, but his heart was not right. Therefore, God was not pleased with him.That's a scary thing. We can do the right thing, and yet it still will not be acceptable to God because we do it with a wrong heart. Let's take giving, for example. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 we are told that God loves a cheerful giver, one who does not give out of compulsion or with a bad attitude but out of a willing heart. In fact, it says that God loves a cheerful giver so much that He is absolutely unwilling to do without one. He will take our gift even if we are stingy and unwilling. He may take our money, and He may use it for His kingdom, but that is not the heart attitude He wants us to have when we give. There is a physical heart and a spiritual heart, and the two are parallel. Physically speaking, the heart is the most important bodily organ. Spiritually speaking, I believe the heart is the most important aspect of the spiritual body. And it is the most important thing the believer or the leader can give to God. That is why the condition of our heart is so important. It is not lack of ability or potential that prevents most people from making progress and enjoying fulfillment in life; I believe it is wrong heart attitudes. JM